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Towards Future Developments in Penal Law: U.S. Theory and Practice

Pages - 260
Binding - Hardcover
Size: 6 x 9

Item # : 978-2-89127-935-2
Availability : Usually ships in 2-3 business days
Price : $50.00
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This is the proceedings of a symposium held under the auspices of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts and the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome, March 5-6, 2009).

The symposium included presentations about resolutions to the conflict between need to know and confidentiality; the considerations and options for preliminary investigations; the role of the Promoter of Justice when balancing rights; pastoral principles within the penal process as they relate to can. 1341; the collection and evaluation of proofs; and the resolution of cases by rescript, penal precept, or decree. It includes a general canonical backgrounder for interpreting the USCCB Essential Norms for the Context of the Evolution of Canonical Penal Law.